Saturday, March 27, 2010

Fertility Update

We had our first appointment with our fertility doctor last Monday and we love her! David even said she is "very smart" which means a lot coming from that smarty! We were bombarded by statistics and explanations of procedures. I don't know that we retained even half of it! The appointment took longer than expected but we decided to get the ball rolling with some initial tests. David and I both have some blood work done-his was to make sure he didn't have any diseases (HIV, AIDS, etc.) Mine was to check hormone levels, blood type, diseases, and just the basic chem panel (glucose, cholesterol, etc.). I also had an ultrasound to make sure I didn't have any cysts, etc. Everything turned out fine with that.

David had his sperm analysis and that turned out OK...for some reason I feel odd about posting the exact results. So I'll just say it turned out "OK". :)

I have a saline ultrasound on Friday (04/09). David has limited vacation/sick time and we'd like to save some of his time for the more invasive procedures. So I'm having my friend, Tammy, come with me.

Our doctor assured us that we were in the best place possible. Their success rate is around 60%. They work with a geneticist out of Detroit that is the best in the nation. She assured us that they double and triple check everything. Everyone in the office was so nice which is good because we'll be spending A LOT of time there.

I did spend some time last week researching PGD (Preimplantation genetic diagnosis). It turns out that we will still need to meet with the geneticist in Fargo because they need to locate the EXACT location of my TCS mutation. Our appointment is on May 21st. I imagine it will take about 6-8 weeks to get our results back. At that time, we'll need to contact Genesis Genetics to set up our registration appointment. I spoke with a genetic counselor there last week and she indicated that it would take 10 weeks to process our information before we could start the IVF process. When I found this out, I was SO thankful for being so proactive and a little OCD/control freakish. :)

We'll also be taking an IVF class through MeritCare in the next few weeks. I'm excited to learn more about the process and maybe meet some other couples.

I am so thankful that this is moving at a comfortable pace. I've always been a day dreamer and dreamed about my future...getting married, kids, etc. It's often very difficult to live in the moment because I am such a control freak. So much of my life is beyond my control-kids starring at me, people doubting my intelligence, etc. I think my daydreaming has always been a release for me.... I am so thankful that I'm able to have the right balance of daydreaming and control!

Monday, March 15, 2010

God is great!

God is great! I am always amazed when things happen in my life to show me He is always there and He LOVES me SO much! If you haven't heard, I LOOOOOOOOVE reality shows! Any reality show I can DVR, I do. My DVR pretty much runs 24 hours/day. I stumbled across a Real World marathon the first season it was on...back in the day when my parent's basement wasn't finished and was still occasionally being used as a roller skating rink (cement floors were exposed) and a gymnastic training room (all you need is a HUGE unfinished living room, an old mattress and a's all fun and games until someone does a flip and hits their head on the trampoline). That was my very own TV room growing up! :) These days, I watch 16 and Pregnant, Giuliana and Bill, Kendra, Keeping up with the Kardashians, Girls Next Door (old school style with Bridget, Kendra, and Holly), Dog the Bounty Hunter (LELAND!), Carnie Wilson: Unstapled, Real World, Road Rules, Intervention, Hoarders, Big Brother, Amazing Race, Undercover Boss, Supernanny, and the list goes on...and on...and on...and on. :)

Alright, alright...I'm getting to the point of this blog....I was just watching Giuliana and Bill (Style Network). They are going through infertility treatments right now. The episode that was on last night was about their decision to go from IUF to IVF. I was excited (and somewhat freaked out) when the doctor and her friend went into detail abut the exact procedures, amount of shots/day, the IVF cycle, etc!

Another awesome show is The Little Couple (TLC). Jen and Bill are exploring surrogacy which involves harvesting of the eggs. On a few of their episodes, they talked a little bit about the process of harvesting the eggs. Score!

How does this relate to God being great? I am just tickled today thinking about how God took my LOVE for reality shows and combined that with the biggest issue weighing on my heart these days. It reminds me that He is always there for me and I can do ALL things through Christ!

Monday, March 1, 2010

HELP! I've never baked a potato!

Yes. It's true. Unfortunately for my husband, I have never baked a potato! Can you believe that I've survived almost 32 years without baking a potato?? Baked potatoes are not high on my list of favorite that is my excuse. Now that I have a very skinny husband to fatten up, I best get cracking on improving my culinary skills! I had to call my mother this morning to ask how to bake a potato. :) I think she nearly fell out of her chair and/or dropped the phone. I even took NOTES! :) Never, ever forget to poke your potato with a fork before cooking! When I posted this on Facebook, my friend, Diane, suggested I make twice baked potatoes because they are "twice as nice". I must be a glutton for punishment because I have found a recipe for twice baked potatoes and am going to try that tonight. So the menu tonight includes brats, twice baked potatoes and green beans. Sounds a heck of a lot better than my bocca burger and carrots for lunch!
Two miles: I've moved up to walking two miles with Leslie Sansone! Today was only my second day of walking two miles. Man alive that work out kicks me in the rear. It feels SO good though when I'm done! I am a little nervous about the three mile but I'll just have to cross that bridge when I get to it!

Next week I have my doctors appointment with my primary physician. It's just my annual "upstairs/downstairs" appointment. No real concerns to discuss with her except preparing my body for the road ahead. I will have her do my blood work again as some of my numbers were not that good last year-cholesterol was borderline high, sugar was high but not high enough for diabetes (they called it sugar intolerance) and I think that was it. I hope everything turns out OK! We'll see. I've only been on the diet/exercise routine for almost two weeks. Not sure if that will make a huge impact on my blood work yet. I'm catching up on my DVR because I spent last week in Rugby, ND with my parents. It was a great week of just playing with the puppies, getting some work done, and visiting with them. We didn't do a whole lot because I just wanted to be anti-social and stick around home. Anyway, I was watching the View from last week where they had an entire show about infertility. Once woman was talking about the struggles of going through multiple IVF cycles. She said she gained 10 pounds per cycle. UFF! Even more reason I need to stick with this diet and exercise routine. I'd SO appreciate any and all prayers with that!

It's a beautiful Monday in North Dakota! The temperature is 26 ABOVE zero and the sun is shining. I've enjoyed having my windows open. I can't wait until spring and summer when our geese and ducks come back to the pond!