Monday, August 29, 2011

Two Embryos Biopsied!!

Just got a call from Sioux Falls! 2 of our embryos were biopsied!!! Please pray VERY HARD that both of them are free of TCS!!!

Happy Anniversary!

Today is our 2nd Anniversary! We have had some ups...and some downs...not to mention this crazy journey of fertility treatments!

I love my husband so much. He is so amazingly handsome! He is my rock! I cannot imagine my life without him!

Here is a picture of us on our wedding day! Not one of my faves but its one of the only ones I have on this computer!

Egg Retrieval

I had the egg retrieval on Friday (8/26). We were at the surgical tower at about 5:30 am. I got to chill out in my pre-op room until about 6:45 when they took me upstairs to the operating room. I had a spinal which is the strangest feeling in the entire world. They were very happy with how it went!

The procedure was strange too. I, obviously, couldn't feel anything from the waist down. During the procedure, I kept feeling like I was shaking. Come to find out that I was! It was the doctor working on the retrieval! So strange. I had an awesome CNA who talked to me the entire time.

I was back up to the recovery room at about 7:45 am. So it really was a quick procedure. I felt sick about 8:00. At first I thought I was hungry but my blood pressure dropped pretty low and I almost threw up. Not a good feeling. I was FREEZING! They ended up putting those blankets that you see in trauma scenes on tv. Like the aluminum foil ones and then they pumped it with hot air.

I think I was down to my post-op room (which was the same as my pre-op room) about 9 am. They nurse said (and I quote), "Oh the spinal should wear off in an hour)...I made David tickle my arm as I drifted in and out of sleep. 10 am. Yep, still can't feel my legs. 11 am, yep still can't feel my legs. I had some crackers and jello. Who knew that jello would be so satisfying on an empty stomach?? It really hit the spot.

12 pm, I could feel my legs and move them but I still couldn't move my hips. The nurse had already drawn up my discharge papers at 11 am! Oops! Finally they came in about 12:15 and basically forced me to get up out of bed to try to go to the bathroom. I think my butt was starting to fall asleep from laying there so long so it was a good thing they did! About 1 pm we were on our way over to the clinic to get some further instructions from the fertility clinic.

I think I was back at the hotel by 2 pm. David and I napped until 6 pm. He took off for home when Marie and Heather got there about 7 pm. It was really hard for him to leave. I just wanted him to get home already so I didn't have to worry about him driving by himself.

I feel much better today. My bum is a little sore as my progesterone shot didn't go so well on Saturday night. We now realized the importance of icing the site prior to the injection. Oops! It served me right as I was being a total jerk to David.

Now we wait to see how many eggs fertilized. On Saturday, only two had fertilized which an additional 2 being immature. They were going to continue to watch those 2 to see if they grew. We're not working with very good odds but I am trying to remain positive.

Today they will biopsy the eggs if they fertilized. We won't find out until Wednesday if any of them are "TCS-Free". This means that we still have to travel to Sioux Falls tomorrow night. I am praying boldly that all 4 embryos have grown and none of them have TCS. I don't ever want to have to go through the retrieval process again.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Now I know!

I now know why they sedate you when they retrieve the eggs!

I've been home from the clinic for about 90 minutes. The procedure went well. I didn't really know what to expect but it was different than what I was expected. It was in the operating room. The doctor, nurse, anesthesiologist, and radiology tech were in the room with me. My entire body shook when they stuck the needle into the cyst. There was a lot of cramping. I cannot imagine having to do that for EACH egg! Imagine 15, 20, or even 30 pokes with a NEEDLE at your ovaries! Geez!

A few weeks ago at church, the sermon was based on Psalm 1:1-3: 1. Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. 2. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. 3. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in seasons and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers. After reading that, Pastor Dude asked the congregation what kind of life we thought this meant. I immediately thought fulfilled. Resting in the realization that my Lord is with me always makes me feel fulfilled. Having the friends and family that I do makes me feel fulfilled. But what isn't this enough sometimes? I think we get in our own ways. It is easy to wallow in self pity or to become excited about those things that really don't matter.

At the end of the service, we sang "It is well with my soul". Scarlett provided a brief history of the songwriter and I actually did some additional research on him. The songwriter, Horatio Spafford, suffered many loses through out his life. His only son died at age four in 1871. During the Great Chicago Fire, he lost most of his possessions and money. In 1873, his family planned a trip to Europe. He sent his wife and four daugters ahead of him. The ship they were traveling on was hit and sank quickly killing all four daughters. His wife sent a telegram saying, "Saved alone."

This version of the song is sung by Christ Rice, one of my favorite Christian singers, In the grand scheme of things, what David and I have been through in the last few days is nothing compared to losing all of our children in a span of 2 years. Many have suffered before us. Many will suffer after us. Resting in the arms of Jesus is the only glimpse of hope that we can rely on. It is through Him that we will have a fulfilled life.

Prayers for a fulfilled life for each and every one of you....

It is will with my soul!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Blessings in disguise??

We found out this morning that I have a cyst on my ovary. It was not there 2 months ago when I had my saline sonogram. It is most likely a little ball of hormones. I go in on Monday morning to have it aspirated.

At this point, this little bugger may or may not delay our IVF. They will know more once they do the aspiration. I am so discouraged right now!

It really goes to show me that I know my body. I had been feeling sort of "off" the last few days. Just uncomfortable but I chopped it up to the lupron medication. Yesterday, I felt like I had gas or was constipated but I knew I wasn't. I kept thinking it was odd but was reassuring myself that I was just having period like symptoms but added this to the list of questions to ask today at my appointment.

Laura Story's Blessings is on REPEAT!!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

We love to coupon!

David and I have really taken to couponing! It is another one of my part time jobs besides my schooling and our fertility treatments.!

So far we have spent $513.99 on items (cereal, paper p

roducts, snacks are our popular items).
We have SAVED $297.58!!!!!
This doesn't include the $20 or more in target gift cards that we've received.

David is pretty excited and wants to call the recycling centers to see if they'll pull coupons for us. I'm not quite at that point as he is not the one that cuts and organizes the coupons.

We decided that we don't want to start a stockpile because we just don't have the room. We are running out of room right now. So I'm sure that we'll start slowing down for a bit. But it's really fun to watch the total drop at the register! Our favorite place to find deals is Cash Wise!

If you're looking for help on couponing check out Valley Deal Seekers or FM Cheapskate for local deals!

My coupons are currently organized with the system designed by the Krazy Koupon Lady.

However, I'm thinking of using this product from Thirty-one going forward.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I have always struggled with the concept of friendship...I never knew when the appropriate time was to call someone my friend. I never wanted to call someone my friend in fear that they wouldn't reciprocate the feelings. I still struggle with this concept today which can be very frustrating.

To me, a friend is someone that I can share everything with. There are not very many people that I trust with ALL of my secrets to.

A friend is someone that I can be myself around. I am very strange at times. I realize this! I like to be goofy. I like to be silly. I don't take a lot of things too seriously. I have realized in the past few years of traveling that I do have some control issues. I like things to be orderly and the way I like them. I just tell myself that I like to control the things I have control over (now would be a good time for me to insert a picture of my cupboards. Two shades of blue dishes....alternating....).

I have also realized that friends come and go. They enter your life at a particular time or season to strengthen you and then send you on your way. No one likes to see a friendship end especially on bad terms. We should not be offended if a friendship just fades away.....

I know that I can be a horrible friend. I know that I am selfish (I only like certain movies, certain foods, certain activities). I know that I gossip a little too much. I am horrible at keeping in contact with friends. I hate talking on the phone. I forget to respond to emails, texts, and Facebook messages/posts. I realize that my friendships may seem very one sided because of this....

I've also realized that I don't have to be everyone's friend and I don't have to like everyone. This is a very important life lesson that everyone should realize. Just because I don't like someone doesn't mean that I shouldn't be respectful....

I've also realized that some people don't see the humor in my husband's VERY dry jokes. Not everyone can appreciate his nerdy tendencies as much as I do! I love nerds! A lot of my "friendships" have been reevaluated in the past year because of how others treat my husband or act around him. Why do I want you in my life if you cannot accept and love him? I have met many friends' husbands and boyfriends. Some of them are real pieces of work..but you know what? You love them. I love them. As long as they don't beat the crap out of you, they are good people in my book and I will respect them and your relationship. Is it too much to ask the same in return?

A friendship is supportive no matter what. I wish that some of my "friendships" would allow me to be the person I am. I just with that I wouldn't dread some situations or groups of people that are supposed to be my friends. I wish that I was strong enough to enter these situations without leaving broken.

I wish that everyone would appreciate David for the warm loving, and nerdy guy that he is. He has such a genuine heart but most people don't realize this because they dismiss him so easily. Yes, he is outspoken but he does it out of love (I'm still struggling with this one too!). If you are rude to him in my presence, I really have no time for you. It's like people don't realize that I can see the look of horror when we approach them in public. Seriously? Is it that painful to visit with us?

These are just a few of my thoughts that have been running through my head. Not looking for any sort of resolution. Just wanted to write them down in hopes that I'll be able to have some clarity on some of my "friendships".

Monday, August 1, 2011

8:30 pm: Shotagedon

I've been saying to David all weekend that I didn't want Monday (today) to get here!

Tonight about 8:30 pm we will begin our first round of shots. Tonight I will get my first Lupron (hormone) shot which prevents ovulation. I will be on this shot until on/around August 23rd. The second shot is Lovenox which I was on before when they thought I was taking birth control with estrogen. This shot is to prevent blood clots and I will be on this my entire pregnancy. So if all goes according to plan, my last Lovenox shot will be sometime next May.

I am on these two shots until August 12th. On the 12th, I'll be on Lupron, Lovenox, and stimulation medication until I go in for my egg retrieval which is scheduled for August 18th or 19th.

Please pray for David as it really does pain him to have to give me these shots! He feels absolutely horrible. I told him that I get a present if I "behave" during all of this and don't cry too much during the shots. I really think that he deserves the presents...maybe I should get working on that!

4th of July: Davidson Family Pictures!

We went to Rugby for the 4th of July. Here are some of the pictures we took!