Thursday, January 20, 2011

#74: C25K Program: In Progress

I cheated on this one a bit too...I am on week 3, day 2 of the 9 week process of the Couch 2 5k program. This week's combination is:
Brisk 5 minute warm-up (I do 10 minutes)
Run 90 seconds
Walk 90 seconds
Run 3 minutes
Walk 3 minutes
Run 90 seconds
Walk 90 seconds
Run 3 minutes
Walk 3 minutes

I am trying to do the full 5k distance on Fridays to see how far I can get and how fast I get there.

#37: Menu plan on a weekly basis: In Progress!

I started menu planning again last week and we've stuck to the plan! YAY!

I have completed 1/143!

#s 6, 7, & 8: Completed!

I cheated a little bit on #s 6, 7, and 8:
  1. Create a diaper cake
  2. Eat greek yogurt
  3. Eat a pomegranate
These are all things that I kept saying that I wanted to do. The diaper cake I created for Sherry's baby shower last weekend!

I had my first taste of Greek yogurt yesterday...what they say is is bitter. Even the flavored kind...

David and I enjoyed our first pomegranate two weeks ago. Delicious!

#4: Obtain Master's in HCA: In Progress

I am currently attending the University of Phoenix online to obtain my Master's in Health Care Administration - Informatics.

As of now, I should complete my last course on Jun 18th, 2012.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

101 in 1001

I got this idea from a fellow blogger, former co-worker, Kari. Thanks for the idea!

The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).

Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as New Year’s resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

Start Date: 01/20/2011
End Date: 10/17/2013

  1. Run a 5k
  2. Get pregnant
  3. Complete a cross-stitching project
  4. Obtain my Master's in HCA
  5. Go back to Disney World
  6. Create a diaper cake
  7. Eat greek yogurt
  8. Eat a pomegranate
  9. Go juneberry picking with my Dad again
  10. Take David to Denver
  11. Learn more about geocaching and GO!
  12. Get to know my neighbors better
  13. Invite said neighbors to neighborhood block party
  14. Watch the entire series of Scrubs
  15. Hang up pictures in the dining room
  16. Purchase large clock for the living room
  17. Girls weekend
  18. Go with David to a local casino to gamble
  19. Return to Vegas and spend time at the pool!
  20. Go swimming at least 10 times during the summer (0/10)
  21. Get advice on how to make lawn look nice with out having to weed and feed it.
  22. Finish my honeymoon scrapbook.
  23. Finish my May Seminar scrapbook
  24. Finish my High school scrapbook
  25. Finish my after college scrapbook
  26. Finish my before high school scrapbook
  27. Take one picture of David and I each day (0/101)
  28. Clean and organize the garage
  29. Have a rummage sale
  30. Lose another 20 pounds by 6/13/2011
  31. Visit the International Peace Gardens
  32. Go to the MN State Fair
  33. Attend a Sugarland concert
  34. Save money for an iPhone
  35. Go to a Redhawks game
  36. Go to a curling event
  37. Menu plan on a weekly basis (0/143)
  38. Get advice on couponing!
  39. Purchase a Christmas tree topper
  40. Become a 2 Christmas Tree family in 2011
  41. Purchase a cupcake cake for my birthday
  42. Put more money into savings
  43. Go to Mount Rushmore
  44. Have a picnic in the park
  45. Set up the tent in the backyard
  46. Go camping
  47. Plant a tree in our yard
  48. Plant flowers in the flower bed
  49. Watch the entire Veronica Mars series
  50. Try 2 new recipes a month (0/33)
  51. Take more pictures at family gatherings
  52. When going through the drive-thru, buy the meal of the person behind me
  53. Plan family fun day activities once/month (0/33)
  54. Go to a movie with David once/month to expand my horizon (0/33)
  55. Go caroling
  56. Go ice-skating
  57. Join the West Fargo library
  58. Make the upside down apple pie recipe
  59. Bake chocolate chip cookies
  60. Purchase a bike and helmet
  61. Buy a present for the giving tree
  62. Watch the sunset with David
  63. Buy a new lap top
  64. Buy the book David and I talked about last night
  65. Organize my recipes and cookbooks
  66. Go to a Twins Game
  67. Try sushi again
  68. Refrain from drinking pop for 30 days (0/30)
  69. Complete a jigsaw puzzle
  70. Watch every series of Parks and Recreation
  71. Cancel satellite and get Hulu and cable
  72. Set up TiVo
  73. Purchase new running outfit
  74. Complete Couch25k program (0/9 weeks)
  75. Get a massage
  76. Buy the nice George Forman grill David and I wanted for our wedding
  77. Watch 5 Rogers and Hammerstien musicals in 72 hours
  78. Watch 5 Andrew Lloyd Webber musicals in 72 hours
  79. Write three letters of praise/thanks about good service (0/3)
  80. Have a candlelit dinner
  81. Have a date night once/month (0/33)
  82. Take a Zumba class
  83. Take dance lessons with David
  84. Go to a Broadway tour show at the Gate City Bank Theater
  85. Go to a musical at the Chanhassen Dinner Theater
  86. Buy/fix front door
  87. Do 20 push ups at once (and not the easy kind)
  88. Buy water softener
  89. Fly a kite
  90. Take cake decorating
  91. Take a trip out west on the train
  92. Attend a comedy show
  93. Visit local health food/organic food store
  94. Attend a scrapbooking retreat
  95. Write down a blessing each day for a month (0/30)
  96. Send Christmas cards to at least 20 people/families
  97. Purchase a new bra once I lose the 20 pounds
  98. Recover dining room chairs (from David's mom)
  99. Paint bedroom
  100. Organize closets
  101. Complete all items on this list in 1001 days!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My love for Assisi runs deep...

If you have read our Facebook page, you'll know that David and I are headed overseas to Assisi, Italy in October! We were able to use ALL 180,000 of my banked frequent flyer miles to book our flights and we swapped weeks with the timeshare to paying a small fee to do so. I am so excited and I can hardly wait until October!

When I was in college, I traveled to Europe on a May Seminar spending 1 week each in Italy, Germany, France and England. While in Italy, I stayed in Rome, Florence and Assisi. It has been 12 years since the last time I was in Assisi! I absolutely loved Assisi and this was the one place I was looking forward to visiting the most prior to our trip. I feel in love with St. Clare of Assisi and all that she stood for. The book we read about her was (and still is) the only book I read from start to finish during college! I also loved to read about her relationship with St. Frances of Assisi. The two of them were often thought to be lovers because they would spend many hours with each other. They were, however, just continually amazed with our Savior and loved discuss Him with each other.

I went digging into my scrapbooking piles to look for pictures of Assisi. I was young and dumb and didn't label my pictures. So I'll have to keep digging. I did find these other great shots from my trip!
Shane and I at the Colosseum, Rome, Italy

St. Peters Square, Rome, Italy

Ivory, Ali and I, Vatican City, Rome, Italy

The Duomo, Florence, Italy

Exploring in Germany

Bacharach, Germany

Religion Nerds...Germany??

Our fearless leaders: Sister Shawn and Dr. Hammerling

I also found the final assignment that I had to turn in at the end of my trip. Here is what I had to say about Assisi (Please remember that I was young...and dumb...and sucked (still do!) at writing)....

Assisi. Glorious Assisi. what a nice change it was to find ourselves in the "country" again. It allowed many of us a chance to have peaceful reflection. The only downfall was not being able to go into Clare's church. I was able to see San Damniano but I would have loved the opportunity to see her church.
Clare was th one woman that I told everyone about. i thought she was so "cool", to put it in my words exactly. She was remarkable when it came to her order. the level of devotion she had to God inspired to examine my faith. was I willing to give up everything I had to be closer to God? Was I willing to live in poverty for God? I realized that whatever God put in front of me I would take. I know that I could never live the way that she did.
The experience of San Damniano was the greatest one for me. We hiked down instead of up to get there. The monastery was beautiful and full of history. The once severely earthquake damaged building was nicely repaired for us to see. The best part of the tour of this magnificent monastery was seeing the place where Clare died. As the group rushed ahead of me, I found myself standing in the middle of the room looking at where the cross would have been on the wall. I compared the drawing in our guide pamphlet and the actual place. taking notice of where her bed was and where the windows were and I found myself imagining what it was like to be there and to live the life she did.
As I ran to catch up to the group, I felt as though an indescribable peace in Clare's room. I understood where she got her strength to live the way she did and how devoted she must have been. I understood how a woman could live her life in extreme poverty as a sign of utmost devotion to the Lord.

I am very excited to share this experience with David. I can't wait to go back to Rome, Florence, and Assisi and to be there with someone I love so very much!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Mental Health Day and Date Night!

I am so thankful for my very thoughtful husband! He was able to recognize yesterday that I was in desperate need of a mental health day. I was at a baby shower on Saturday afternoon. I was very happy to be there and spend a few hours with Sherry but it was very hard and affected me more than I thought I would. I KNOW that David and I will have a baby but I'm very frustrated with all of the delays that we had.

David let me sleep in and we just spent the whole day on the couch snuggling and watching How I Met Your Mother. We love that show! David likes to pretend he Barney Stinson. I hate Barney and I HATE it when David impersonates him...although deep down I do find it a tiny bit funny!

After catching up on HIMYM, we watched Date Night. I was very pleasantly surprised at how good it was. Our DVD kind of crapped out on us and started to freeze in the middle of a really good part! I was screaming, "NOOOO!". I didn't think I would actually get into this movie as much as I did. I would recommend it if you have not seen it.

We were going to go to Life as We Know It but considering the reaction I had to the baby shower, we felt that we should skip that one for now. We did end up going out to supper at Basie's. I had the shrimp alfredo and David had a top sirloin (I have no clue what that means). We were both very pleased with our service and the food. We are planning to go back again (especially if we have a coupon!).

Tonight I'm making ribs, rhodes rolls, and carrots for supper. I'm really looking forward to having another date night with David tonight. He is really a swell guy and I love him very much!