Thursday, October 28, 2010

Back to School

Wow! I am horrible at updating my blog! I promise I'll try harder!!

I'm headed back to school. I'm enrolled at the University of Phoenix to get my Master's in Health Care Administration-Informatics. Recently, my company merged with another who's primary focus is electronic health records and health information technology. Both of these topics have interested me for awhile. I'm hoping that by taking these courses that I'll either advance in my company to a position that might allow me to work from home more often OR perhaps there is a position in town at one of the hospitals or even Blue Cross. Only time will tell.

My first class is going well so far. I'm amazed that I haven't taken to procrastination yet! Haha! I'm the worst one for procrastinating. I was so proud of myself for creating a calendar and writing out my goals for each week! If I take all of my classes back to back, I'll be finished by April of 2012. I don't think I'll be taking them back to back if we have a baby anytime soon but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

David is busy with Tae Kwan Do! He entered his first tournament and took fourth (I think). I feel so bad that I didn't go watch him but he has another one coming up!