Friday, May 21, 2010

Cost of IVF/Insurance Coverage

One of the questions that I get asked is, "how much is all of this going to cost you." The truth is, we really don't have a hard number. We have a guesstimate but we haven't really asked the question because it's not really a deciding factor for us. Now, don't go thinking that David and I loaded. We've made choices in our lives the last few years that have allowed us to become debt free (with the exception of our home) and we've both decided that we will save every penny we can for this to happen.

I'm sitting here with my EOBs and will give you an estimate of what it has cost us thus far for those initial tests that have been done.

Initial Office Visit: $362
Bloodwork for both Me: $666
Bloodwork for David: $238.50
Sperm Analysis: $175
Vaginal Ultrasound: $200 ** That $666 could include the transvaginal ultrasound procedure and this $200 could just be for the Technician in the room.
Saline Sonogram: $787
Sperm Analysis: $175
IVF class: $35 and this is usually not covered by insurance.
Bloodwork for DNA testing: $37
DNA testing: I was told it was going to be $1800 but I have not received my EOB yet.

When researching online, I found a figure for the median cost of IVF throughout the US which was $8000-$10,000. Now keep in mind that if your insurance covers infertility then you're total cost will be lower. I'm not sure if this number was for the IVF procedure or all tests/procedures prior to the actual IVF.

I haven't done any research for coverage of infertility services with other insurance. David and I are covered by BCBS of North Dakota. We are very fortunate that David's policy covers infertility services. We have a $20,000 lifetime maximum of fertility treatments (per member) and a $500 per member lifetime deductible. After our deductible is met, BCBS will cover the "standard" 80% of services and we will have the "standard" 20% out of pocket expenses. Our insurance will cover all of the procedures and drugs related to our IVF except for the cost of PGD (preimplantation genetic diagnosis). That's the $$ amount that I'm worried about.

I'd suggest that you get to know your insurance policy and get to know it well. Keep in mind that your claims are run by computers and computers DO make mistakes. Some nerdy IT guy has to enter a rules table into the system and that table could be wrong! I have started a file of all of our Explanation of Benefits and bills we've received from the clinic. I also write all of our appointments on a master calendar and what procedure is being done. That way I can reference that when I'm reviewing the EOBs.

I realize that some people might be offended by me listing out the cost of these procedures. People just don't like to talk about money. Please know that my heart is in the right place. I've met so many wonderful people who have Treacher Collins. I want them to be able to read my blog and have all the tools they need when they choose to have children-either through IVF or the old fashioned way.

NOTE: I live in good ole North Dakota. I'm not sure if the prices of services are more or less than other parts of the country....please keep this in mind when reviewing the cost information.

Fertility procedures thus far

I recently sent an email to the Yahoo group I belong to informing them of my blog. After I sent that email I realized that there were a series of topics that I should touch on including the procedures PRIOR to IVF, the costs, insurance coverage, etc.

My first topic is Fertility procedures prior to IVF. Here is a list of all that I've had done so far:

WARNING: This gets a little to TMI but I'm trying to be helpful!
  • Blood draws-my blood was drawn to check for Hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, and various other blood disorders.
  • Transvaginal ultrasound-They took an internal ultrasound to make sure I didn't have any cysts or abnormalities of my uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, etc.
  • Saline Sonogram-Now this has been the WORST of the tests yet. A saline sonogram is where they fill your uterine cavity with saline solution for the doctor to get a better look at your uterine cavity. They are looking for growths, tumors, pollyps, etc. to make sure that your uterus is a "nonhostile environment" for when they do the implantation of embryos. I say it was the worst because I did have some mild cramping and a LARGE amount of spotting. It was seriously embarrassing.
  • DNA testing: This was a simple blood draw at the lab. My blood was sent away to locate the mutation of my TCS. Hey, guess what!?!?! I have TCS. Who would have thunk it?!?! Anyway, I got my results but in four weeks.
  • Pap-I always get my pap done at my yearly physicals. But if you haven't had your pap when you go in for your saline sonogram, you can ask your fertility doctor to do one right there. But come on girls, feel your boobies and get your paps!
These are the tests that David had done:
  • Blood draw-David had the same blood draw that I had to check for Hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, and various other blood disorders.
  • Sperm analysis-Yes, it's what you think it is. He had to collect his sperm in a cup and bring it to the doctor's office in a brown paper bag. We got the results within the week. Actually, our doctor called us with the results when we were in Vegas. She felt so bad for getting us out of bed but we were just taking advantage of the time difference!
The procedures I expect to have going forward would include the daily shots of fertility drugs and the IVF itself but I might be in for a rude awakening!

David will have to collect his sperm again. They give you the option to do this ahead of time or the day of the IVF procedure. I've already told him that he'll be doing it ahead of time. I don't want him to have the "pressure to perform" while I'm laying on the table all drugged up from propofol...yeah, they'll be giving me the MJ drug. Not so sure how I feel about that!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Birthdays, Time at home, Back to work

Wow! It's been a month PLUS since my last update! I guess you can say that no news is good news?

My birthday was on the 21st of April! I love my birthday so much! I've always had theme birthdays and started counting down in January. This year I had a bunch of friends over for food and Wii fun! My darling husband bought me The Family Feud game for the Wii and I think everyone had fun playing it! Thanks for making my day so special, guys!

I really, really enjoyed my time when I was "working" from home. Actually, I didn't have a lot of work to do which gave me time to perfect my wifely duties. I became an excellent menu planner, cook, social director, interior decorator and, my new favorite hobby, florist! My parents brought a bunch of Iris plants for my flower bed and they also bought me hydrangeas. I'm in heaven! I can't wait until they start blooming!!!

I started traveling back to Alabama last week. It has been a major adjustment! It's hard getting up at 4:30 in the morning when your used to sleeping in until 8 am! I'm just glad that I have made such a great friend, Erica, who makes the transition a little easier. We've done a lot of exploring of Montgomery this week! We found some "cute" neighborhoods and restaurants that we want to try out. I should be working here every other week until the end of August.

Not much news on the IVF front...I was able to get into the geneticist a MONTH early! She was really neat to talk to. She worked at Mayo in Rochester and has a lot of experience working with patients with TCS and other chraniofacial issues. I had my blood work down and am now waiting for the results. She thought it would take 4 weeks at the longest...which means only 2 more weeks to wait! Once we receive the results, we'll send them off to The Genesis Genetics lab in Detroit and they will start their process (which takes 10 weeks). Once they've done all they need to do (I really have NO clue what they do...), then we'll be ready to start testing my embryos. We are taking our IVF class on June 10th (Mom's birthday!). After we take the class, they sit down and map out our schedule-when we start the drugs, what appointments we have, etc. My insurance drops off the end of July and we can submit the pre-auth to David's insurance as soon as that happens. So things are starting to come together....slowly but surely!