Friday, June 10, 2011

I think we're on the right path!

I finally received a phone call from Sanford in Sioux Falls. When the coordinator left his message, he said, "this is going to be a very long and extensive process." But from the other things he said in his message, I could tell that he didn't know that we had already located the mutation of my Treacher Collins Syndrome gen and had already done the leg work with Genesis Genetics. He was very pleasantly surprised when I called him back and told him I had all the information he needed.

My question is this though....I had a letter from MeritCare with the mutation information. MeritCare is now Sanford. How could he not see the information in my file? He said that my IVF clinic in Fargo didn't even have this information (they're part of Sanford!!!). This is probably only alarming for me because I'm going to school for informatics and we talk about the inefficiency of the health care system in the US. Anyway....

It sounds like they do not "batch" their IVF patients into a single time frame per month. They can do IVF and PGD at any time. Wahoo! Now we just need to schedule the moving of the equipment to the surgical floor...and we're set to go!

I think I can get excited again....