Monday, September 12, 2011

Where was I on 9/11/01??

I have the worst memory...but I remember that I was working at the U. S. Bank Service Center in Fargo. I had just started there in May. I was called into the cubicle of my manager along with a few other people. She told us that the twin towers had been hit. I'm assuming that this was around 9:00 or so because I don't believe that the Pentagon had been hit and the plan in PA had not crashed.

I don't remember if it was this day or another day that week but I went home for lunch. I was watching the news coverage. I did not want to go back to work. I wanted to stay home to watch the news coverage.

I remember feeling like it was unbelievable. It just didn't make sense.

I also remember what I felt on the 1 year anniversary. I remember having a feeling of, "we made it!" We made it through the first year without completely crumbling....

On the 10 year Anniversary, I reflect at how different my life is today than 10 years ago....some for the better and some for the worse...but I do feel like we made it.

United we Stand!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

IVF: Update

For those of you that aren't my friends on Facebook or missed the post in between all of my Farmville Posts, here is the update on how our IVF went.

I went in for the retrieval on August 26th. See previous post about that here. Two of the embryos were biopsied on the 29th. Find that post here.

On the 30th, David and I left for Sioux Falls after work. We were trying to rush there to make it to Outback for supper. We ended up checking into our hotel and just running to McDs for a quick bite because we were both so exhausted.

The next morning we waiting around our hotel for the phone call about our two embryos. About 10 am (or so), we received the devastating news that one of our embryos had TCS and the other results came back "inconclusive". We found out later that the DNA evidence was not very clear. This could mean a few things a) the embryo wasn't growing as it should and would not be viable anyways, b) there were additional chromosomal issues (like down syndrome or something similar) or c) the biopsy was not sufficient and there wasn't enough tissue to test. Anyway you slice it, we were left feeling like we'd be blind sided and the doctors and the genetic counselor were feeling the same way. I had a perfect amount of folicles and eggs to harvest that we were all dumbfounded!

Where do we go from here? David and I had decided when we found out about the two embryos, that we would take some time off if things didn't work out this time around. We are thinking that we'll go through another cycle sometime in 2012. We both agree that we'd be playing with fire if we try to do this again January-May because of the snow! If this wasn't a time sensitive thing, I'd probably sign up to do this 1/1/12! But we cannot take the risk of getting hit with a huge blizzard and not being able to drive to get my eggs harvested!

Emotionally we felt blindsided. We are doing well as can be considered. I'm definitely more clingy than normal! David says I need to find a friend or a hobby. :) Haha! David is frustrated about the financial aspect (no surprise there!).

Financially speaking...we aren't quite sure how we are sitting right now....we were NOT planning on having to do more than one cycle because we do not have fertility issues. We got our first bill which was about $4000 less than anticipated and that was prior to submitting to insurance. We are PRAYING that this is the only charge. I'm sure it's not but I'm trying to remain positive! Please pray that they bundle their charges!!!! I called the business office and I don't think they knew what I meant by "bundled charges". Why am I such an insurance nerd??